Class Overview
Toddlers (2-3 years)
Our toddler room cares for children aged between 2-3 years (depending on the child’s individual stage of development).
We cater for up to 15 children with the staff ratio 1:6
To ensure a smooth transition for children into the toddler room, visits are arranged between the staff and parents.
As your child’s vocabulary advances and are forming simple sentences, our specialised routine is developed to provide fun centred and educational activities. At this age children have reached the stage where they enjoy interacting with their peers and participating in organised group activities. These activities implement the framework of Aistear’s curriculum. Some examples of these activities include flash cards, jigsaws and musical movement.
It is also here where your child may also begin to show an interest in toilet training. With parents as partners we will work together to devise a plan to ensure a smooth and successful transition from nappy to toilet.
In a busy environment it is important for young children to sleep rest and relax. All children are encouraged to sleep or have a rest. The sleep room provides space for sleeping and relaxing in the cosy corner away from the hustle and bustle of crèche life!
- Age Group:2-3 years old
- Class Size:15 Children
How to Enroll Your Child to a Class?